Split Full Foundation Set
Our split full foundation set is used when the size of a standard box spring is too large to fit up the stairs or into your bedroom. Basically, a full foundation is made into two separate foundations to make a full size foundation that should easily fit virtually anywhere. The split full foundation is also much stronger than a normal foundation because it has two middle rails.
The one big requirement that must be addressed when buying a split full foundation is your metal bed frame. You must have a center support to hold it up. If your bed frame does not have a center support, it needs one anyway. We offer several choices on bed frames and center supports.
SPLIT FULL FOUNDATION EXPLANATION A split queen foundation has no springs. A split queen box spring has some type of spring system in it. One big difference is cost and weight. A split queen foundation costs less because it is easier to build and it weighs less because it has less metal. Of course, split foundations also cost less than split box springs.
The split full foundation includes 2 boxes that measure 27 inches x 75 inches x 9 inches each. The two pieces combine to make a Full Size Split Box Foundation.
95% of orders for this product ships within 3 business days. This item generally ships common carrier. Common carriers will call before delivery and deliver to curbside only. You will need help carrying your split box foundation into your home. In some cases we ship Fed Ex box delivery and they do not call first.